Thursday, December 30, 2010

Organically Searching

During the holiday break, one of my goals is to examine my current designs and fine-tune some of them, as well as to finalize some new designs we have been working on in recent months.  In addition to product development, and because this is an eco-focused endeavor, part of this examination is to find a more eco-friendly source and product for our complementing fabrics.  This has really been on my agenda as of late in a very pressing way.  I feel a great sense of urgency compelling me to create a more narrow definition of what the products we create will be constructed of so as to be more a part of our true purpose. 

Over Christmas my mind danced with visions of not only sugar plums, but with visions of organic cotton or hemp, linen and sheeting.  I am determined to incorporate not only an organic fabric, but from a source that embraces the same values and vision that I am trying to convey.  They must adhere to fair trade and fair labor practices, of course.  I would prefer something made in America, but am not opposed to internationally manufactured if it empowers women in some way. 

 I will be doing some research, to say the least, over the next few days and weeks and can't wait for what is in store for our little studio in the New Year.  We are encouraged about the interest that the bags have created this year and hope to be writing more as we grow into 2011.


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Running Revelations

One of the things I love about being a runner is just being by myself and clearing out my head.  No distractions from technology or work or kids or anybody! It's a selfish indulging act that helps me forge on and makes those uphill routes worthwhile.  I have my prayer time and run through my priority list for the day as the rhythm of my breathing gets me hypnotized.  It really allows me to open up my mind and listen to God's voice and have some good conversations with Him.  It's easier to let go of your pride and humble yourself when you aren't in the daily grind of trying to perform in your job or making sure your house and kids are in order.  I always ask Him, 'Lord, am I in your will today?' 'Is there anything that I am doing wrong or is there anything that I need to do in order to be in your will?'  I think my biggest fear in life is that I will fall outside the will of God and miss out on what he is trying to do for me and through me.  Sometimes my thoughts are led toward ideas about problems that I am trying to solve and I feel as if God is trying to help me figure things out as I am picking up my feet and just moving forward.  It's as if he is running with me.  Maybe I am not as alone as I thought. 

While I was running today I had a bold idea that I have thought about several times in the past week and it just kept popping up in my mind.  I thought about how God might be really wanting me to pursue this idea and it would definitely be something that would glorify Him so why don't I just do it.  As I ran through the woods and the trees were passing by just like the great ideas I realized that we, more often than not, do not choose that road less traveled because it is either hard or so bold that it would be a risk or draw attention to us.  Does that mean that we are almost always outside the will of God?  Interesting question.  That is my fear.  I think we are creatures of habit and we will take the easy way 9 times out of 10, and just keep running along and letting those trees, like God's little nudges, pass us by if we don't absolutely have to do it.  Like that Robert Frost poem when we come to the fork in the road do we take the road less traveled?  I think it takes a lot of conviction and a lot of courage.  That is where the hard part comes in - you have to run up that hill without stopping or even walking back down! 

I think I will continue to try and push myself to listen more to what God is trying to tell me and ask for the courage of my convictions.  And at the same time thank him for the good health that it allowing me to have a great run so that I can spend some time with Him.  I believe we all should strive to be not just 'good' Christians, but 'great' People and live with a bold purpose and by doing so, we will love one another more.  

Those are just my thoughts, anyway.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Holiday Collection 2010

Well, out with the old and in with the new I always say!  So long days of running around without shoes on and driving carpool in my pajamas.  So long shorts and tank tops.  Hello hoodie and hello sweatpants!  Everybody looks fat in sweatpants.  I think I like cold weather!  If I only knew how to turn on this fireplace in our new house I would be completely happy at this moment.  And, I can't forget to go pick up my new coat I put on layaway that day I had my air conditioning on full blast and that linen sleeveless dress back in August.

It was so exciting getting these new bags ready for our Holiday Collection!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE fall and winter fabrics!!  Colors like eggplant and rust and midnight blue.  Red...oh, red goes with every season...but especially Christmas because of dear old Santa.  The warm and comforting feel of's just so much more exciting than linen.  Although linen is my favorite texture, I need a break and welcome winter with open arms.

I read an article not too long ago in Southern Exposure about Manuel Cuevas, Nashville's very own 'Rhinestone Rembrandt.'  He is amazing!  When you close your eyes and think of Porter Wagner, for example, his genius created the image that you see.  The images of icons were his calling.  I drove by his building the other day over by Music Row and it made me think about how happy he has made so many people with his beautiful designs.  He has created images for many, many stars.   All the greats!  From Elvis' jumpsuits to Stevie Nicks flowing dresses.   Now that's a man after my own heart, and he certainly can appreciate how much I love fabric.  Not to compare myself to him in any way - please don't think that.  But, I recall that in the article he talked about how he loved to pick up the scissors and cut fabric more than anything and I instantly bonded with him.  I know what he means.  It gets in your blood.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Saturday in Franklin

When you have a recycle-focused business, you try to make sure your personal life mirrors that as well.  I have never been a big 'recycler' and have not jumped into the 'green' machine as of yet.  It's not from my lack of belief in the overall objective because I do believe we should all reduce our 'footbrint,' as they say.  I mean, come on, I live down the road from Al Gore.  But, I have been too busy in life to pay attention to my own 'output' until recently when I found some coffeebags which had been discarded by a coffee roaster friend of mine and I saw a beautiful vision.  Once I started cutting, sewing, steaming, and creating things from these coffeebags, I became aware of exactly what recycling means.  I began to open my eyes to how I can make a difference as just me.  It's not just about placing your paper, plastic and trash separately at Pannera Bread, it is consciously thinking about everything you touch and what the life cycle of that 'thing' is and where it ends up after you have used it or discarded it.  I am discovering this newfound epiphany every day in a new way.  I will be blogging here about my thoughts on this subject as well as what is going on with my business, Couture Coffeebags, and how that is impacting different communities through recycled fashion and awareness.  Stay tuned...