Thursday, December 30, 2010

Organically Searching

During the holiday break, one of my goals is to examine my current designs and fine-tune some of them, as well as to finalize some new designs we have been working on in recent months.  In addition to product development, and because this is an eco-focused endeavor, part of this examination is to find a more eco-friendly source and product for our complementing fabrics.  This has really been on my agenda as of late in a very pressing way.  I feel a great sense of urgency compelling me to create a more narrow definition of what the products we create will be constructed of so as to be more a part of our true purpose. 

Over Christmas my mind danced with visions of not only sugar plums, but with visions of organic cotton or hemp, linen and sheeting.  I am determined to incorporate not only an organic fabric, but from a source that embraces the same values and vision that I am trying to convey.  They must adhere to fair trade and fair labor practices, of course.  I would prefer something made in America, but am not opposed to internationally manufactured if it empowers women in some way. 

 I will be doing some research, to say the least, over the next few days and weeks and can't wait for what is in store for our little studio in the New Year.  We are encouraged about the interest that the bags have created this year and hope to be writing more as we grow into 2011.


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